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Sunday Reader Question: What are married segments?

Sometimes when you’re searching for award space, be it on Aeroplan, United, Delta, etc., you’ll find that some seats will show as available when you search for them from origin to destination, but when you call to book the flights segment-by-segment, those flights show as unavailable. Often, this is caused by married segment logic. Today’s Sunday Reader Question is: what are married segments?

I’m in Houston… and I missed my flight…

…and it’s totally awesome.

I was flying from Austin to Colorado Springs via Houston, and there was a ground-stop in Houston. I missed my connection to Colorado Springs. For most folks, missing a connection is a horrible experience. Not for this guy! I have an awesome insurance provider. I have $350 to blow on a “meal” which is undefined (contra proferentem for the win!). I’m currently enjoying oysters, chocolate chip cookies, and champagne in Houston, waiting for the next flight. I love it.