

Sunday Reader Question: How do I fix a mistake on my credit report?

Having a mistake on your credit report is a fairly common occurrence, and if you’re a credit card churner, there’s more activity on your credit reports which increases the likelihood of a mistake. Typically mistakes aren’t that big of an issue, but they can take time and substantial effort to get the issue rectified. It’s important to check your credit report from both bureaus on a regular basis to monitor for any mistakes. Today’s Sunday Reader Question is: If there’s a mistake on my credit report, what do I do to fix it? 

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$630CAD all-in return: YEG (Edmonton) – REK (Reykjavik, Iceland) – GLA (Glasgow, Scotland)

$630CAD all-in, return fare, from Edmonton to Glasgow. You can stop in Reykjavik for free, for as long as you want. Book it on www.icelandair.com.

Availability seems to be between October – December 2014. You can use ITA Matrix to search for dates that work, then book on Icelandair.