Author: DCTA

A New Year

2014 was a great year for discount travel. There were many amazing fare sales and mistakes, and all in all, despite a number of program devaluations, this has been a great year.

Great year, better year to come (joining Boarding Area!)

I started DCTA this past summer, while undertaking full time law school. It has gone through a number of layouts and content themes. I started from nothing, and am now a fairly popular Canadian website. I put a lot of work into this website, and I constantly get messages from readers who thank me for helping them take their long-overdo honeymoon, their first family vacation, or to experience products they could never otherwise afford. I get a lot of joy helping others experience the freedom of travel that I am so lucky to have, and this website is a great tool for me to develop my communication skills.

MISTAKE FARE: New York City JFK (+SFO/IAD/ORD/DFW/LAX) – The World (ex. $212 r/t to Manila/Hong Kong / $339 to South Africa, ROUND-TRIP, taxes included!)

Many thanks to The Flight Deal for pointing this out!

There’s a mistake fare between New York City, San Francisco, Washington DC, Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles (New York City JFK is the cheapest) to anywhere Etihad flies.