
I’m Looking for Award Bookers – Apply Within!

UPDATE: THANK YOU! I have received many applications, and I am currently working through them. I am not accepting any more applications at this time.

I currently run an award booking service, Awarding Canada. I will be needing some help over the summer doing award bookings. I am looking for several independent contractors to provide award booking services to Awarding Canada. You will be given a 50% commission for all sales.

Announcing: Awarding Canada (

I’m delighted to announce my new venture: Awarding Canada ( I have extensive award booking experience, and am offering an extremely competitive rate of $100CAD per person for the first two passengers, and $50 per passenger thereafter. I have paid booking experience with over 20 different award programs, and know some tricks that aren’t publically available. I can save you the time and hassle required to search and book an award, and can save you points and money on the taxes and fees. Awarding Canada is not just for Canadians, and my skills are applicable to frequent flyer programs around the world.


(Small) Aeroplan Pricing Glitch with Premium Economy

A reader sent me an email about a glitch he’s been having searching for flights on Aeroplan (and I got his permission to post about it). It seems that if there’s a Premium Economy segment on one end, and a Business segment on the other, the entire itinerary prices as a Premium Economy redemption. Now, there’s not a whole lot of benefit out of this, although if there’s an affected routing that you were considering booking anyways, this can save you points.

Aeroplan Economy Booking and Seat Selection Fees are a Mistake

I recently made an award booking with Aeroplan, flying on Air Canada. The system automatically assigned me a middle seat (yuck!), so I went to Air Canada’s website to change my seat. For some weird reason, the system attempted to charge me to select a normal, non-privilege seat. Being the cheap guy that I am, I Tweeted Air Canada and got this response: