
EXTENDED: Want to start your own travel blog? Do it today!

This sale is extended until today. The new promo code is MONDAY. This is a repost from yesterday, but with the updated promo code. Sale ends tonight.

It’s always great to have some competition! And the only great deal I found this weekend is with A Small Orange [this is an affiliate link], a web-hosting company. They’re my host for a number of other websites I run (I have quite a few, but those are secret 😉 ). Today is the final day for their Black Friday deal, which is 75% off their hosting. I don’t normally advertise products (I believe this is the first time I’ve done so on DCTA), but this really is an amazing deal.

Trip Report: My airline went bankrupt! Estonia and Helsinki

I wasn’t planning on writing this trip report. Indeed, I rarely write trip repots, largely because they’re a hassle and most products have been reviewed too many times. However, this trip turned into a delighting series of unfortunate events (comically so), so I thought it’d be a fun read. The trip starts out well, but ends… poorly.

The Best Wine (That You Didn’t Know About)

Whenever you think of wine, you think of Burgundy, South Africa, California, etc. When you think Canadian wines, you think Niagara and the Okanagan. I travel a crap load, and have visited many of the great wine regions of the world. And I have to say, Prince Edward County produces some of the finest wines at the most reasonable prices.

On the Future of DCTA

DCTA started more than a year ago. I have published over 200 posts in that time (that’s a lot of posting!). Some content has been, admitting my bias, excellent. Other content, not so much. And trust me, readers let me know when my content isn’t as great. Lately, you may have noticed that I’ve been posting less, with fewer analytical posts. You see, I’m coming to my final year of law school, am currently in the process of applying to med school (the debt, so much debt!), crazy amounts of travel, running my rather successful award booking service, and other life activities.